Donnerstag, 28. September 2017

I can only control....

"I can only control my own performance. If I do my best, then I can feel good at the end of the day." 

- Michael Phelps


The only place

“The only place you can win a football game is on the field. The only place you can lose it is in your heart.”

– Darrell Royal


Mittwoch, 20. September 2017


Phantasie ist die Vorschau auf die kommenden Ereignisse des Lebens.
– Albert Einstein


Mittwoch, 13. September 2017

Just say.....

  Bild:  Jörg Linder

Just say.....


Mobil: 0177 / 4977232

Dienstag, 5. September 2017

Don’t tell people how to do things

“Don’t tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.”
– George S. Patton Jr.
